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04-05 Subaru WRX EJ205 w/AVCS Blobeye Turbo Front Clip [complete motor]—— $1500
* complete motor w/ AVCS EJ205 ——– $1500
* manual transmission w/ LSD, axles —- $1000
* trunk w/ high spoiler —– $300
* turbo hood -—– sold out
* front seats x 2—— $300
Categories: Front & Rear Clips, Nose Cuts & Rear Cuts, Subaru
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* front bumper , grill,
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Call for details
01 Subaru GC8 STI V6 EJ207 Turbo Front Clip [NO body parts]—— $2300
* front clip w/ rear LSD, axles, but [NO body parts and lower arms, suspensions] ——– $2200
* kouki taillight —– sold out
* trunk w/ STI spoiler ----- sold out
* turbo hood ---- $250
* front bumper ----- sold out
* interior [whole set] —— $350
03-09 JDM Subaru Legacy BP5 EJ20X 2.0L CompleteTurbo Engine w/ AVCS —- $850
*complete motor comes with complete engine w/ alternator, power steering, intake manifold,
* manual transmission ---- $500
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